Title History


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SWF World Title
SWF Internet Title
SWF Tag Team Titles
SWF Hardcore Title

SWF World Title

Champion: Loosie

09/05/01 Evil A becomes first SWF World Champion by winning the EZ Board Royal Rumble
04/06/01 Phi Tau wins title by pinning Stinko Malenko in a "Hell in a Belgian Kennel" match at Now Way Out of EZBoard
21/06/01 Phi Tau hands title over to Stinko Malenko
05/09/01 Pato defates Stinko Malenko at SummerSlash
11/11/01 Loosie defeats Pato at Slash Series in a "Hell in a Cell" Match.

SWF Internet Title

Champion: Aureole

09/05/01 Pato names himself European Champion
21/06/01 Title is renamed Internet Title
09/07/01 Snooge Monkey defeats Pato with help from Stinko
02/09/01 JayGo defeats Snooge Monkey at Unforgivable then renames the title the "British Title"
01/10/01 Gazz defeats JayGo and re-renames the title the "Internet Title"
11/11/01 Aureole defeats Gazz at Slash Series in a Lumberjack Match

SWF Tag Team Titles

Champion: The Jersey Boys

11/05/01 The Bonspeilers, BrewGuy & Loosie, are named Tag Team Champions
01/08/01 Too Much Pudding, elcyberGoth & y2Jimbo, defeat The Bonspielers
23/10/01 The Jersey Boys, Snooge Monkey and Edge, defeat Too Much Pudding

SWF Hardcore Title

Champion: Mad Dog

04/06/01 -j3r- becomes first SWF Hardcore Champion by pinning Texas Kelly at No Way Out
04/06/01 Stinko Malenko becomes the first to win the title under 24/7 rule
11/06/01 Stinko Malenko hands (or gores) title over to Y2Jimbo
11/06/01 Gazz
11/06/01 Y2Jimbo
12/06/01 Gazz
12/06/01 Y2Jimbo
13/06/01 Patriot
13/06/01 Y2Jimbo
14/06/01 Jobber Kid
14/06/01 Dreamcaster
14/06/01 Y2Jimbo
14/06/01 Ivory
14/06/01 Y2Jimbo
14/06/01 Crash Holly
14/06/01 Y2Jimbo
14/06/01 Pat Patterson
14/06/01 Gazz
14/06/01 Y2Jimbo
14/06/01 Patriot
14/06/01 Y2Jimbo
14/06/01 Jobber Kid
14/06/01 Gazz
25/06/01 HHHutchihuahua
25/06/01 Y2Jimbo
25/06/01 Gazz
02/07/01 Pato
02/07/01 Gazz
11/07/01 Patriot
15/08/01 Gazz wins the hardcore invitional to become a 7-time Hardcore Champion
02/09/01 The Patriot defeats Gazz at Unforgivable
16/10/01 Mad Dog defeats The Patriot in a triple threat match

A few notes about the Hardcore Title History:

First, kudos to Gazz who compiled the list previous to the creation of the SWF EzBoard (21/06/01), the rest was ME!!! ALL ME!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Loosie)

Secondly, all changes with NO explaination are all 24/7 rule changes.

Finally, all 24/7 changes are dated by the psot on the SWF Board, all changes that occured in a match are given the date of the match.